Monday, September 21, 2009

Collabortive Drawing

Well now... I made a beautiful scene of a penguin wedding. I thought it was going to be a gorgeous scene of the marital ceremony between two loving penguins. When I left my piece of art, there was a scene of the bride on walking down the aisle and he groom waiting for her at the end. Also in the picture there was many different animals in the seats in the church there to celebrate them. When I cam back to my art at the end, I thought it was a COMPLETE mess. And the worse thing is that it was really hard to revive my picture which had died in the process of this class. The only thing I liked when I came back was that there was a car/limo thingy that had a just married sign on it. I liked how this fit into the theme but why would there be a car in the church! Any who, I am sad because I felt as if I couldn't fix and so now I think it is just a DISASTER! Well, this was an unique process, and can teach us that each individual artists vision are different and that it is close to impossible for someone to came up to a painting/drawing etc and finish it! UGGGGGG i wish it was still they way is was :(

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